IP Phones

We have partnered with local telecom providers to provide IP Phones, so you do not have to worry about long international phone contracts. Computer Parts HQ manufactures cellular phones, networks, paging systems, and vending machines. Calls are always free for up to five minutes.

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These phones are plan for use with Voice over IP (VoIP) telephone services. They connect directly to the internet and convert voice signals into IP packets using VoIP technologies. This authorizes them to transfer and receive telephone calls over an Internet Protocol network, such as the Internet. In contrast to traditional analogy phones (referred to as Plain Old Telephone Service), VoIP phones send voice traffic over the internet in the form of data packets.

Wireless VoIP Phones

Why limit yourself when you can break free? found wireless VoIP phones—the key to free connectivity. Trust us, they're your final companion for those marathon meeting calls. And if you're up for expanding your tech horizons, VoIP phones provide a similar sense of liberation in getting your clients onboarded.

Elevate Your Communication with VoIP Phones

VoIP phones empower businesses to performance calls via the internet, remove the need for traditional landlines. This authorizes logical professional phone, conference, and video calls worldwide. VoIP technology simplifies professional communication, ensuring ease and convenience regardless of business size. Provide your business with the right VoIP phones, accessories, and conferencing equipment with JBS Devices that maintains professionalism and efficiency.

Wireless Solutions for a Neat Workspace

Gone are the days when wires were the only option for phone and internet connectivity. Today, wireless networking devices transform business operations worldwide, qualify seamless calls and internet access without the clutter and risk of extensive cables. By deploying wireless VoIP phones, routers, and adapters, businesses can foster organized communication while eliminating potential tripping hazards and enhancing workspace safety. So, get your IP Phone now from JBS Devices and start calling your clients.